Ok this is the article that initiated the conversation about \"Research Climbers not knowing how to climb.\" or something like that.
A couple of issues here:
1.- Joe is talking about ONE person's Techniques.
2.- Joe took the time to educate and show the researcher alternative techniques and the canopy researcher was able to see the light!
3.- Kind of hard to evaluate a general population of anything by looking at just ONE individual specimen in the sample. This researcher apparently was never had the opportunity to be trained in Technical Climbing Techniques and was using whatever he was familiar with.
4.- Sometimes a researcher (or anyone for that matter) considers himself \"an expert\" and publish something making assertions that may not be exactly right to the rest of people but because they are the \"authority\" and \"published\" the paper then others consider his/her ideas to be true. ( Like spiking up a tree to climb it -ouch!) I have seen that in here also when some climber says something an considers himself the authority and others just jump in and show his wrong ways (self locking vs screw gate biners for example)or ( Metal vs aluminum). Some people will defend their ways of doing stuff as the only way of doing it but others are quick to point out personal preferences and other safe ways to operate and accomplish the same results.
In conclusion; I think that Joe did not make an accusation against \"canopy researchers\" in general as using poor climbing techniques but just showed a particular example for us to learn from.
I am glad the MEA posted this topic and has created some discussion back into the board that has been slow in the last couple of months. This type of exchanges when kept at a professional level are a great tool to exchange info and to keep us interested in posting and exchanging info. For instance, I would have never been able to see the video and photos from their research if they had not posted a link here.
I think the more the general public (us) knows about these topics and their importance the more we would be willing to support a research funding or call a congressman to ask for help supporting some research instead of something that is completely out of our radar or level of understanding. Sometimes educating the general public ( the taxpayer) is as important as actually doing the research becasue without somebody footing the bill some of these investigations would never be undertaken.