Last weekend (June 26th and 27th) Tree Climbers International held its 7th I.B.C. of the year. The June IBC had 3 students - 2 from Cincinnati Ohio, and 1 from the Princton NJ area:
Greg Land and Jim Cohen from Ohio
Laura Preston from NJ
Laura is the youngest (age 13) ever to be taught the IBC, Lauras father, Richard was on hand through out the whole course giving his daughter support and helping to keep the class run smoothly. Thanks Richard!
Keep an eye out for Tree Climbing Ohio in the near future, Jim and Greg are Gung-Ho about Tree Climbing and will be hosting an IBC in Ohio, after taking the Facilitators class they plan on starting their own grove.
A great time was had by all and Fun was the motto for this months class. Here are a few photos from the past weekend. Enjoy!!
Tim 'tengu' Kovar