We have not had to evacuate yet, again, unless Rita makes a more northerly turn.
The actual New Orleans city is under a voluntary evacuation again, but I live in the suburbs just west of the city and we don't have to evacuate yet.
So it looks like its headed for Galveston or Houston right now, which is the same wonderful people who helped my family and so many others during Katrina. Ironically now they're the potential victims thus far.
Thanks Peter for your great words of wisdom and support.
Fortunately, today, I had to resign from this untrained and dangerous tree service co. before someone got hurt or I died of cleanup exhaustion in the 95 deg. heat.
The owner was making all the money(disproportionately) and not paying his workers a decent wage. He paid everyone only $10 per hour without exception, yet he bragged he could pay a good climber $500/day, except that he wouldn't actually give it to anyone because no climber in his book could measure up to his standards. This was simply an excuse to lure new workers in to his group and then to abuse them. Everyone was treated as a groundie and no one would ever actually climb because he only used a bucket truck and a crane, so he had no need for a climber except in a few instances where he would climb up to simply place a removal strap on a limb, then the crane would attach to the strap to remove large sections of the tree.
It's sad because when someone is supposed to be down here helping during this crisis, he's abusing people for profit and consequently doing a shabby job and creating even more danger for the public.
I'm glad I left, but am now without a job again.
I lost most of my clients who were devistated by Katrina, and as a practicing CPA, thought that while some of them were recovering, I could do some tree climbing work to bring in some income, until they were back on their feet. It's going to take some time before businesses are up and rolling again around here, except for the necessity industries which got help from the gov.
Anyway, I've got 4 kids, one with epilepsy and therefore special needs, a wife, and no job.
If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I'm trying hard to keep my spirits up, but don't know what to do.
I'm putting many feelers out and checking out other tree services as well.
Maybe I should go hustling trees myself since I have all the gear. Anyone want to help down here?
Anyway thanks guys for all your support. I'll keep ya'll posted.
Safe climbin.
Charlie Brown.