I remember back when I was first learning by reading the books, mainly Jepson, On Rope, Flowers' and studying the thread sites, I constantly had to go back and re-read all the terms being used, just to understand what was being said. If these books were for beginners also, then why should it have been so difficult?
Why are we trying to capsulize these specific functions of climbing into one or two or three not very descriptive words? Peter's statement above, although unknowingly, is a great example: "...resetting your rope placement during a down pitch" is already a GREAT description, so why capsulize it into a new two or three word, unclear or difficult, phrase?(re-setting TIP?, going down TIP?, etc.) This only causes the reader/climber(especially the beginner) to be unclear or even confused and to have to constantly go to the Glossary to clarify what could have been just as easily described in only 3-4 words already, such as what Peter described above in the first place: "resetting rope placement on descent". --See that wasn't so long, was it? ---And yet was very clear, right?
I think we need to move away from coining new phrases just to seem more professional or save typing space or not having to repeat a few words or whatever other unimportant reason,
and concentrate on allowing the reader, whether beginner or advanced, to be crystal clear as to meaning, which is much more important. After all, his very life may depend upon it!!
There's an old expression that says, "Say what you mean and mean what you say", that we should all remember.
BTW, 'DRT' means, according to the norms on Treebuzz, Double Rope Technique, which means using two separate ropes where one is a backup, whereas, DdRT means Doubled Rope Technique which means one rope doubled over an anchor point.
I still don't like these Acronyms. This is a great case in point above. Especially since all of us are still unclear, even those who are very experienced, as to the meaning of DRT and DdRT, which is one of the basic foundational principles of tree climbing, and as such, should already be very well understood by all of us, right? And if not clear to so many, why not?---Because of the unclear Acronym!!
Please let's describe, rather than coin phrases!
Safe climbin.
Charlie Brown.