Like that helmet cover, great idea. Have to be a little careful in city climbs with gear that looks military, people might think you're a whacked out domestic terrorist. Wearing a bright colored helmet can be reassuring to some people, they think "oh, it's an arborist", no problem. For woods climbs I like the blend-in factor to put wildlife at ease. Although many canopy animals don't seem afraid of humans in any colors, they expect you to be on the ground standing upright and don't register danger in the tree unless you get very close.
Interesting to think about what works best as camo in a tree (that you can still climb in). Patterns and textures that mimic bark might be good. Make your helmet look like a squirrels nest. In winter white camo might be good, rather than look like a dark lump in the tree try and blend with the sky and snowy background. I guess now that the leaves are almost off the trees I'll have to be a little more subtle in some of my climbing spots.
Agree with Pantheraba that if you pull your rope up you won't get noticed 99.99% of the time. Even with the rope down people often don't notice. Climb away from paths and you absolutely will never be noticed.