So I guess my second post on this site is about another forum. It's probably a forum faux pas, but I'm gonna take my chances.
In my zeal to learn as much about recreational tree climbing as possible, I found Canopy Chatter. I have tried a dozen (well, maybe four) time to create an account but I keep getting messages that "The username you entered has been disallowed or contains a disallowed word. Please choose a different name"
I tried a different name, but got the same message. I use the same user name at almost all forums I belong to and don't really see anything particularly bad about my first choice. I even tried using an ID that contains my real name and some numbers to keep from being a duplicate for someone who may already be there.
If anyone here is a member there,could you please let the administrators know about this or even give me hints about getting around this message.
Like I said, I get the same message no matter what username I try.