I believe that trees, especially trees witin view of the public right of way are an asset to a community. They have intrinsic value, consider the more affluent communities in most areas, and you'll more than likely note the presense of mature trees, or at least an effort made to establish them. I really think that the reason more municipalities do not have such regulation is that the public views professional arborists promoting them as a conflict of interest (which in some sense it is). I'd love to start a movement of private citizens with the aim of protecting the private property, represented by yard trees visible to the public right of way, in the interest of the public value of the municipality.
This is something I've given a great deal of though to over the last 10 years or so. I live in an area where willow oaks, often in front yards, are regularly topped. Additionally, I see way too often large, viable, mature trees removed, a trends I cannot comprehend particularly if one were to consider the additional cooling load required by removing a large amount of shade from the home.
Unfortunatly, I'm no politician, can't keep my mouth shut, I'd only get myself in trouble; so I guess I'm prolly not going to do anything about it.
Cam "Icabod" Taylor