Tree climbing in Atlanta has been a challenge this year because of record rainfall. Over 60% of our scheduled climbs and regular public climbs were rained out. You probably saw in the news about Atlanta's 500 year flood a month or so ago.
This coming out of a near record drought for two years with a preceding two years of the strongest hurricane seasons in history. It all seems extreme now with little middle ground weather wise. Hard not to ignore the climate message when personally experienced.
We are seeing mushrooms here not seen in many years. I'm a new enthusiast as far as mushroom ID is concerned and joined the local mushroom club. Too scared to eat those things as of yet but the variety this year is stunning! Mushrooms have such a variety of color and shapes and last only a few days. I study the types that indicate tree decay, but that is only a few when compared to the world of fungi. The world is such a fascinating place when you stop and look around.
Let us know when the next piece airs. It is always fun to be recognized for the things you love. Media pieces always make conversation easy, especially when folks recognize you and identify with what you are doing.
Waving from a treetop,
Peter Treeman Jenkins