Howdy Ya'll... I'm Steve from Akron Ohio.....just joined site, got some gear, have been trying to watch as much youtube, and read as much as possible online as i possibly can to start climbing.
I am 42 years of age, with a wife of 15 years, and 2 daughters, one is 6 and the other is about to be 8.
I always have had a passion for extreme anything..... that is, until my girls came, and have slowed my roll quite a bit. After a major employment snafu hit the wife, and i, i've been bouncing around with low paying, dead end jobs, and recently lost my Father to Liver cancer. So, after some deep conversations with him prior to leaving us, i've decided to take his advice and "Do what I love".
Always had a bit of a fearless, but wise, daredevil side, and have been called everything from crazy to stupid, (don't much care for that one) ...and I have a theory that with deep mental preparations, and a "Safety-MIND-SET", nothing is out of reach.
So that being said, i've decided to start climbing, recreational at first, and possibly to supplement my, yet ANOTHER, dead-end job!
So here I am.......
Anyone wants a young, 42 year old,responsible,helper,with a strong work ethic, clear-headed, and safety conscious to help out on anything on the weekends around Akron, Ohio, shoot me a pm, and lets get to work!
Hope ya'll have a good Holiday
"Do what you Love, and you'll never work a day in your Life"