The latest draft of the Z133 is now online for public review and comment. You can download a pdf at (click through the Welcome screen to get the the main page, and look under the "announcements' column).
There is also a Word file that people can download and use to submit comments.
Make comments and suggestions during the public review period, using the official form.
Finally, in reviewing the ANSI Essential Requirements, it was discovered that if the draft is available online, the public comment period does not have to be 60 days -- it can be 45 days. Therefore, the 45-day period will end September 5. This is good because it will give the ISA more time between the end of the review period and our October committee meeting.
Now is your chance to review the potentials rules of the Game of Arborculture in the US. I'd like to ask a favor of anyone who is going to send in a note about the review. Would you copy your comments into this thread? This will bring points to other's attention. Sometimes there are issues that come to your attention and not someone else.
Strong limbs and single ropes!
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