What do you recommend as the best technique to mind / move in ascending position my new rope wrench?
Some climbers use the bungee around the neck, others make a simple chest harness out of nylon webbing or purchase a 4SRT Chester.
I count fifteen or more devices sold on the market:
4SRT Chester
PMI Chest roller harness (single and double roller)
Stein V5 chest harness $100
Weaver chest harness $16
4SRT Neck Loop
Edelrid Agent $50
SRT Bungee Shoulder Strap $23
Trango Gear rack harness $52
..... list goes on...
What do people - who have used a rope wrench for a while - prefer?
I use a 4' dyneema loop that is twisted and worn as a "tree bra". The connector is a swivel brass dog snap (maybe #2 size?). This set-up has tended my Hitch Hiker successfully for years.
You can see it briefly in the video below at 18:34.